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MS Office 2003 Portable is the complete office suite designed and developed by the Microsoft its product like Windows. initially, it was released on 19 August 2003 for Operating system. office 2003 is the predecessor of Portable office 2007 and it is the successor of Office XP.
Microsoft Office 2003 Portable

Portable apps Microsoft Office 2003 was introduced for enabling the user to manage their documents. 2003 version comes up with a lot of new features. the latest features you will find here is the management of information rights. Besides this, there is a unified collaboration among all the application of office XP. Other features you will find here are share point, smart tag, XML, office online service and other graphics features. if you want to add the images in your documents, office 2003 enables the user to include the images in the project. For this, you can use Pictures managing graphics software which enables the user to manage the digital pictures in all respect.
the interesting thing about this portable apps office suite is that you can find this version same as its non- Portable version. it will not interfere with the installed application on your PC.
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This software designed by the Microsoft for its user to make them or create the stunning and good looking. This is the first version of office series which support the graphics and color of Windows XP. This was the last version which consists of different tools bar and menu bar in all applications of Microsoft Office 2003 Portable Full version. The major user of this application was the user who has an older operating system like Windows XP. But unfortunately, it has no support for windows 98 or ME. You can still use it on your latest operating system as well.

The MS corporation released extended Office 2003 into three service pack. The service pack 1 (SP1) has come into the market on July 27, 2004, and the MS office SP2 was released on 27 Sept 2005, and the last pack was released as on 17 2007
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Microsoft Office 2003 Portable Full version is the combination of different application you can see as under in the list.

- Word 2003
- Excel 2003 Portable
- PowerPoint 2003
- Outlook 2003 (with or without Business Contact Manager)
- Access 2003
- Publisher 2003
- InfoPath 2003
- Project 2003 (Standard or Professional)
- Visio 2003 (Standard or Professional)
- FrontPage 2003
- OneNote 2003
Related: MS office 2013 Portable
Each and every application mention above has its own unique features. if you have to write something in the text or want to write a letter to you Boss, you can use Microsoft word 2003. MS Excel 2003 is mostly used where there is data calculation involve. You can use Excel 2003 to make the final report, Daily report or monthly report of your Business accounts data. MS XP has got MS outlook which is mostly used in businesses to send or receive an email.
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