Assets for Train Simulator 2017 I am looking for assets (stations, buildings, platforms misc objects etc.) to be built for use in Train Simulator 2017 (TS17). If you have worked with TS17 previously then that would be a BIG advantage as the game has a specific set of requirements as regards LOD's and textures. Using Provider & Product Assets in Train Simulator Now that you have set up your own source material and exported it to the simulation it is ready for use. If the exported asset is an object which can be placed in the virtual world, such as a scenery object used when building a route, you will need to add it to the object browser list. Are you a scenario creator making scenario's which may not be published on the Steam Workshop because you use besides Steam Payware, Thirdparty payware or freeware? And publish your scenario on Third Rails for free, and make this the central Workshop for mixed asset scenario's! Drop me an email beentrain (at) gmail.com.
While there are a lot of North American assets out there available for Train Simulator, coming from a railroad perspective, there were many features and things that had never been included in any simulated product before that we felt would bring a new level of never before seen depth to the simulation.
The European Loco and Asset Pack is aimed at users creating and using independently developed content for Train Simulator. If you install a route created by an external (third party) developer, they may specify that you require this asset pack in order to use their product.
This pack includes trackside detailing, trees and foliage, buildings, passengers and animals, as well as a number of UK and German locomotives.
Please note: This pack does not include any ready-to-drive routes but all locomotives included are Quick Drive compatible, giving you the freedom to drive the locomotives on any Quick Drive enabled route for Train Simulator, such as those available through Steam.
If you have Railworks, Train Simulator 2012, or Train Simulator 2013, you already have the contents of this pack. Many routes also come with this pack included.
Included Trains/Locos
- Diesel: Class 43 HST, Class 166 DMU
- Diesel-Electric: Class 37, Class 47, Class 55 Deltic
- Diesel-Hydraulic: DB Class 294, DB Class V 200
- Electric: DB Class 101
- Steam: 7F 2-8-0, Black 5 4-6-0
Included Coaches and Wagons
to be determined
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This DLC is required for
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Contrary to the information on Steam, this pack does not contain the BR Class 52, Class 143, and Class 151.
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Reference Manual > Content Basics > Provider & Product Setup > Using Provider & Product Assets in Train Simulator